Josh Boise Mini Edit: Chode Like, Short But Extra Wide

While team rider Josh Boise is healing up from his injury he managed to put together a short edit with friends filmed at Whiteface Mountain!

Some Cold and Some Warm 1516

The East Coast has had a funky winter this year but that didn't stop team rider Josh Boise from putting together a creative edit at his home of Whiteface Mountain!

Sorry Saturday Ep 2.2 “Good Times”

Jake and his buddies tear up Northstar in Sorry Saturday Ep 2.2 "Good Times"!

Winter is Coming!!!!!

November 01, 2013 by Jon Callahan

Winter is coming

Another season is fast approaching.  Some of the key resorts opened up last weekend and many more are starting this weekend.  It may not officially be Winter yet, but we are glad to see it is already here.

Nothing like waking up in the morning and feeling the cool air and seeing your breath.  One of our favorite videos that nailed the early season feeling of winter was Brandon Schmidt's video.  

It so crazy how things have changed...

October 23, 2013 by Jon Callahan

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